will shoe polish rub off
Will shoe polish rub off?
That is the question most people face before applying a new coat of polish to their shoes. For those who are not sure if the answer is yes or no, the information below will help you understand how long your new shine will last.
How long does shoe polish last?
Image source: https://www.adidas.co.in/
The answer to this question depends on which type of shoe polish you are using. The all-natural variety tends to last longer than a commercialized product, but here are some general guidelines for each type:
Blacks/dark shades: can last 1-3 weeks solidly (if applied every day), 1-4 weeks after every two coats, 6 months after every four coats.
Natural Colors/leather browns: can last 2-3 weeks solidly (if applied every day), 1-4 weeks after every two coats, 3 months after every four coats.
Natural Greens: can last 2-4 weeks solidly (if applied every day), 1-4 weeks after every two coats, 3 months after every four coats.
Natural Blues: can last 1 week solidly (if applied every day), 1-2 weeks after every two coats, 4 months after every three coats.
Polishes with waxes and anti-fungal ingredients tend to maintain their shine longer than the usual polish. Synthetic polishes tend to last a shorter period than natural polish due to the chemicals and additives used in them.
Natural polish is usually made out of all the good stuff like beeswax, carnauba and shellac. Commercialized synthetic polish can be made with various other ingredients like acrylic, urethane and latex. There is still debate whether or not certain ingredients are harmful to our health.
If you are more into the organic sort of lifestyle, then it is a good idea to invest in natural polish that tends to last longer than synthetic commercialized products.
Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/
There are people who love to apply polish immediately after they get home and there are others who wait until the following day. However, it is not recommended to use sharp objects like metal tweezers or a screwdriver to apply polish.
The reason being that these devices oftentimes damage the finish of your shoes by removing too much material.
You need to ensure that you apply a buffing cloth on your shoes first before applying any sort of polish on them. This will absorb all remnants of dust and debris that may have been scraped off during the cleaning process. After the polishing process is complete, it is a good idea to give your shoes a good rinse using only water (not dishwashing liquid or any other chemicals).
If your shoes are water-resistant and not made out of suede or leather, you can go ahead and apply some Kiltlifter to restore your shoes to their original appearance.
After polishing your shoes, you need to wipe it off using a soft cloth or paper towel after every two hours of use. If you want the shine to last longer, then it is also a good idea to use a shoe tree in between each time you polish it.
So if you have been worrying about the shine coming off on your new shoes, then the above information will show you that there is always a 100% chance that this will not happen in your lifetime.
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